Single father asks to accompany his daughter to a Mother's Day party: the school refuses him

Supporting a family isn't easy. There are many responsibilities and duties you have to take care of and you need a lot of strength to keep going. There are some couples who manage to do this, while others fail and decide to split up.
And this is what happened to the father in this story. He was left by himself to take care of his children. Read on to find out more:
Pablo Vázquez is a Mexican father who wanted to share his experiences being a single parent. Since he and his wife divorced, he has had to take care of their kids full time. But things have not always gone smoothly for Pablo.
In a post to social media, Pablo described an unpleasant episode that happened at his daughter's elementary school. The school was organizing a large party for Mother's Day and all the students could attend. Pablo wanted to accompany his daughter to the party, but was not allowed to.
"I was happy to participate in the event. I had told my daughter that I would gladly take on the role of mother and, as a joke, that I could wear a wig. But then I got a resounding 'no' from the school. Apparently, the party was reserved for mothers only and fathers were not welcome," Pablo recounted.

This refusal angered Pablo - especially seeing that this would mean his daughter would now be on her own at the Mother's Day party.
"I've done everything for them since the divorce. I act as a father and mother and it would have been nice for my little girl to have me by her side at the party. I could have participated even though it was a Mother's Day, but I was not allowed. I don't want my daughter to feel left out because the other kids will be accompanied. I don't agree with what the school did," Pablo stated.

This was a horrible thing to happen, especially for the little girl: after all, when one of the two parents takes care of the children most of the time, he or she should have the opportunity to attend any school event without gender discrimination. And for this reason, Pablo wanted to make his story known and to raise awareness about the issue.
Do you think the school acted appropriately?