Swimming instructor explains why children should never be wrapped up in a towel at the pool (+VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

June 09, 2023

Swimming instructor explains why children should never be wrapped up in a towel at the pool (+VIDEO)

There are things we do every day without even thinking about them. Actions and habits that we repeat every day and that are ingrained in our activities. But some of these automatic actions should be reevaluated from a safety point of view.

For example: what is the first thing you do when your child or grandchild gets out of the pool or the sea? Most will answer: wrap them up in a towel so they don't get cold. This is the right thing to do, but be careful how use/wrap the towel! The woman who is the focus of this story explains why:

via Daily Mail



Nikki Scarnati is an excellent US swimming instructor, who decided to film herself in a short clip to explain something very important. The message is aimed at all adults who accompany their children to the swimming pool. Nikki noticed that some parents have a potentially dangerous habit when it comes to children and towels.

"I've seen this happen many times and as a parent, I did it myself, but it's wrong. Now I'm showing you how to wrap your little one in a towel. We tend to cover their arms and shoulders. Well, this is not good practice."

So, where's the danger? If by pure chance or bad luck, the child were to fall into the pool, they would not be able to free their arms from the wet towel and stay afloat. In her clip, Nikki explains the correct method to use.



"Once the shoulders of the children have been dried off, wrap the towel around their bodies, but under the arms, so as to leave them free. Also, do not use too long towels which they could trip over," Nikki advised.

Many people viewed Nikki's video and left comments. Numerous parents thanked the instructor for the this important advice. One commented: "I had never thought about it. It's something I always (used to) do and I never would have imagined that it could be dangerous". Another said: "This happened to me when I was 2 years old. I fell into the water with a towel on me and other people had to jump in to save me - I couldn't move my arms at all".

In short, take this advice to heart. If you take a child to the pool, be mindful of this danger.

Were you aware of this swimming risk?
