Young woman has no money for the bus and has to go to a job interview: the driver has to make a difficult decision

Sometimes, we tend to underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness – it can have a huge impact on someone's life. A small gesture can make the difference between a tough day and having a much better one, or even turn a person's life around.
And there's no need for for grandiose gestures: a sincere smile, a heartfelt compliment or a word of encouragement. These are actions that can transmit human warmth and create positivity. The story we are about to tell you is a great example of this.
via Upsocl

This story starts with Don Joemir, a bus driver who saw a young Brazilian woman looking for work get on his bus. She didn't have enough money on her card for the ticket and she was devastated by this. Sensitive to her situation, Joemier decided to help her. He let her get on the bus without charging her and also gave her some money for her return trip so she wouldn't get stranded. This act of kindness had a huge impact on the woman's life.
Thanks to the driver's generosity, the young woman got the job and, of course, she was over the moon about the news. However, she didn't forget to thank Don Joemir, the kindly bus driver. Every act of kindness generates another, and the young woman decided to share her story on her social network accounts in order to find her "hero" and thank him in person.
"I was unemployed for 4 months. I sent my resume by email to many companies, but I kept getting the same reply: 'we aren't accepting resumes at the moment'. I was becoming more desperate. Last Tuesday morning, I received a call to come in for an interview at 2.30pm the same day. I had to run to make it on time. Once on the bus, I realized I had no cash but the driver said I could stay onboard. He also gave me some money for a return ticket! I would like to find him to express my deepest gratitude!", wrote the young woman.
Joemir got the message thanks to social media connections and the two met again. The young woman thanked him again and told him that he had been instrumental in her getting the job. We hope that stories like this will inspire everyone to do good deeds whenever they can.