Millionaire sees a boy studying in the street under a lamppost and decides to change his life (+ VIDEO)

Going to school and living in a loving, caring family is taken for granted by most children - indeed, for most of us, this is normal.
But not everyone can say they're so lucky: what we take every day as a given isn't something everyone enjoys. And an example of this is the child who is the subject of this story and who faced a challenging time…
via Mirror

This is the story of young Víctor Martín Angulo Córdoba - a 12 year old boy. Little more than a child, Victor had to deal with being poor in one of the poorest nations on earth.
Born into an indigent Peruvian family, Victor's family had no electricity in their house. But this fact did not stop Victor from studying: every evening, he would sit under the light of a street lamppost, doing his schoolwork.
One evening, a passerby took a photo of Victor studying in the street. Nobody could imagine this photo would change Victor's life forever...

In fact, the photo quickly went viral on the web and came to the attention of a well-known philanthropist: Yaqoob Yusuf Ahmed Mubarak, originally from Bahrain in the Middle East. Yaqoob struck by the photo and was deeply moved.
He remembered his childhood, how he too lived in poverty and suffering. So he decided to intervene.
He got on a plane and traveled for 16 hours with the sole purpose of tracking down Victor. And he succeeded.
And Yaqoob decided to do everything in his power to help Victor and his family: he had Víctor's family home renovated - which went from being just a humble shack to becoming a large, two-story house. But Yaqoob didn't "limit" himself to just this.
He also opened a small company for the boy's mother, putting her in charge of a recycling centre. And that's still not all he did...
Yaqoob pledged to rebuild Victor's school in order to guarantee that he, and all his classmates, have a brighter future.
This is a story of love for one's neighbor and incredible empathy. But remember: to make a difference you don't necessarily need to be a millionaire: just contribute whatever you can to make the world a better place.