The perfect physique exists. Science says so, and this model is proof of it

Is it possible to say that the perfect physique exists and that someone has it? At first glance, we would be inclined to say no. Each person has a specific body with its own peculiarities, virtues, and flaws, and to think that one is more or less beautiful than the others is quite subjective, would you agree?
Yet, it really seems that science does not think this way and some studies have affirmed that the perfect model exists and is embodied by a real woman. Let's find out who she is.
via The Sun
She is Kelly Brook, a British actress, and model, who at the age of 43 has managed to obtain the scepter for being the woman in the world who has the perfect physique. A recognition that stems from the shape of her body, her measurements, and the whole of her image, which, at first glance, appears rather "curvy."
If, in fact, fashion and society in general have accustomed us more and more over time to an idea of perfection that included longish bodies, this woman is proof that being beautiful does not necessarily mean being skinny. She, in fact, has a soft, curvy body that, according to science, is practically perfect.
A study carried out by the University of Texas came to the conclusion that in order to have a knockout body, one should respect these measurements: 93 cm bust, 61 waist, and 87 hips, and it seems that Kelly Brook reflects them in full. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to have an "hourglass" shape that provides for the famous and very precise 90, 60, 90 of the models and actresses of the past times, but greater abundance is also accepted, and this could revolutionize our thinking.
In spite of this and in spite of the undisputed magnificence of this woman, we cannot assume that there is one and only one model of beauty. There are many factors that influence such conclusions and they also stem from fashion and the path that society is following. Nonetheless, reading about Kelly, her soft body and how perfect this is, only heartens and reassures many women.
How often, in fact, does it happen that you get into trouble because you are too far from an imaginary model, because this one is too thin, and you cannot find the right way to reach that standard?
With her, a myth has been debunked and minds have been opened to accepting even those who are not perfectly longilinear, but show round and "comfortable" shapes. A silhouette that even men seem to appreciate and not a little.
So whether she is truly perfect or not, whether Kelly holds this record for so long or not, it does not matter much. The great thing is that these conclusions open the door even wider to body positivity and relegate prejudices against those who are not "thin" to a corner.
What do you think about this study and the beautiful British model?