Elderly couple is evicted by their son and daughter-in-law. This is how they are now forced to live

In advanced age, taking care of one's health becomes a top priority: in addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle, it is essential to live in a nice environment that promotes well-being. It must be a safe, comfortable and accessible environment, with access to adequate health services, as well as social and community support.
This latter component is often fulfilled by an elderly couple's children, but - unfortunately - this was not the case for an elderly couple who, during one terrible night, were driven out of their home. Here is their story:
via Semana

The story began on a normal day when the elderly couple went out to do their shopping: they never imagined that this daily chore would turn into a nightmare.
Upon their return, they discovered that the lock on their front door had been replaced and they couldn't give back in. Then they grasped the grim reality: their own ruthless son and daughter-in-law had locked them out.
Even more tragic was the fact that they were not even allowed to collect their personal belongings. They had to leave the premises, taking only what they were wearing with them. According to media reports, everything the couple needed to live on was locked in the house.
Neighbors explained that the couple were forced to live in their old car, making beds out of blankets and cardboard. For more than two weeks, they have endured these conditions and were only able to survive thanks to the generosity and solidarity of their neighbors who provide them with food and shelter.
One of the neighbors told a reporter: "This couple bought that house years ago and sacrificed to take care of it. When they returned from their shopping, they were faced with a harsh reality: 'you can no longer enter here', they were brutally told by their son and daughter-in-law."
Now, the elderly couple are in dire straits. The incident attracted the attention of the president of the neighborhood committee who denounced the lack of action by the authorities. "The neighbors and the committee are helping this couple in every way we can," explained the president.
"I try to guarantee them at least one meal a day," added Paulina Piriz, a resident in the neighbourhood. "The lady also receives a pension, but her daughter-in-law managed to get hold of that too. Sheer evil greed is the reason this happened," Paulina added.
Thanks to the incredible solidarity given by their neighbors, the elderly couple have found the strength to to carry on and hope to rebuild their lives: the community continues to fight to recover the couple's home and end this injustice.