A child with Down Syndrome is abandoned: a priest steps forward to adopt him

In the vast and complex world we live in, there are some special individuals who devote their efforts to helping others and alleviating the hardships of those who are less fortunate than others.
These special people, with generous hearts and deep compassion, immerse themselves in the challenge of bringing hope to the hopeless. With love and empathy, they get up every morning with one goal: to make a difference in the lives of those in need. One example is Father Omar Sánchez Portillo, a priest from the city of Lima, Peru.
via Debate
Father Omar is one of those people who does his utmost every day to help others and bring some relief to those who are "less fortunate" than others. As director of a reception center for boys, girls, adolescents and the elderly located in the Lurín area, he manages to help many children and elderly people who have turned to him and his association for assistance.
On his 51st birthday, Father Omar received what he himself would call a blessing: a newborn with Down Syndrome in need of a family who could look after him.
Ismael is a 2-month-old baby who was abandoned by his young mother, a 17-year-old girl with alcoholism problems and schizophrenia. Ismael needed caring for and fortunately, Father Omar was able to provide for the child.
The priest didn't think twice and decided to adopt little Ismael. Father Omar's organisation - Asociación de las Bienaventuranzas - takes care of many children and elderly people who need help. His team is made up of vlunteers who are committed to providing assistance to all the organisation's guests, including little Ismael.
On his Facebook profile, the priest thanked the Lord for giving him this opportunity, as well as this immense gift: "Thank you for the gift you gave me Jesus, for my birthday! You never cease to surprise me, Jesus. Welcome Ismael! Bringing you here from Cusco was an adventure, the first of many that we will live together".
Father Omar is truly a wonderful example of altruism and how love can change the world.