A young woman refuses to give up her seat to an elderly woman on a bus, and many people support her

Traveling by bus can be uncomfortable, especially if you're on a long trip: it is certainly not great sitting for hours on a bus' hard seats as it bumps and jolts along the route.
That said, the 22-year-old girl in this story went to great lengths to defend her seat on a bus. Later, she posted her story to the web, wondering if she had been right to refuse to give up her seat to a 70-year-old woman on the bus. Read on to find out more:
via Reddit

The young woman explained that bus journies always caused her nausea and physical discomfort, but - having no alternative to get to her university from home - she found ways to deal with this: taking anti-nausea pills half an hour before getting on on board and always reserving a seat by the window or the door for air if needed.
"Yesterday I took the bus on a 6-hour journey. When I got to my seat, I noticed it was occupied by a woman, probably in her 70s or so," she explained. "I explained to the woman that she was in my seat and I had booked it. She apologized and moved. At this point, I thought everything was sorted out," she continued.
At the first stop, a woman who appeared to be the companion of the elderly lady "rebuked" the young lady and said she should have given up the window seat for the elderly woman. "I replied that I needed that seat too and that if she wanted a seat by the window, she would have to book it just like I had," the young woman said. But there was more to come...

Apparently, the young woman's response was regarded as rude and the companion criticized young people in general as being rude and disrepectful towards the elderly. The young woman ignored these remarks and stayed in her window seat. "I don't think I was wrong, as I had booked my seat for a purpose. I also don't believe I had been rude or disrespectful," she concluded.
Many users sided with the young woman, recognizing that she had simply followed the rules.
Some, however, expressed solidarity with the elderly woman, accusing the young woman of being inflexible. What do you think about this story?