Waitress is abused by a group of customers: the owner-chef teaches them a lesson

by Mark Bennett

July 04, 2023

Waitress is abused by a group of customers: the owner-chef teaches them a lesson

We spend most of our waking hours at work: earning money is, for most people, essential in order to lead a dignified life. Therefore, once you have chosen your career, you are technically obliged to carry out your work tasks in the best possible way. Sometimes, however, the working environment can be challenging and problematic.

This is the story about a woman and the experience she had at her workplace: the outrageous treatment she suffered is inexcusable. Read on to find out more:

via Thesun

Lily Griffith, 22, is an English waitress at a Cardiff restaurant, called The Cora. The young woman has always loved her waitressing work, which she carries out passionately and with dedication.

Lily takes care of greeting customers, taking orders and waiting on tables. However, one day, some new clients caused Lily quite a few problems.

A group of 6 rich, male customers spent $1,350 dollars on having 7 courses each. There's nothing wrong with this, of course, but the "gentlemen customers" soon turned their attention to Lily.

The group of customers started mocking Lily and demeaning the job she loved: "It was shocking. I had to put up with their belittling and rude behavior for the entire meal," said Lily. But there were consequences to follow...


Lee Skeet, the chef and restaurant manager, was shocked when he heard what had happened to Lily. So, without hesitating, Lee wrote an email directly to the company the rude customers worked for and arranged to reimburse them: Lee had no intention of accepting money from anyone who had behaved so badly with one of his employees.

Initially, Lee planned to pay the entire bill himself - minus a hundred dollars which he thought should go to Lily as a tip (since these customers had not left one). But later, he had reconsidered.

Lee decided to pay the entire amount into Lily's bank account! The group was banned from The Cora as well: "I would be grateful if you never return to my restaurant. Lily's dignity is worth much more to me than your money. You are no longer welcome here", Lee wrote.

Work is not only a source of economic livelihood: it also represents their dignity for many workers. It doesn't matter what profession you practice: respect for others is an underlying principle exercised by every civilized person.
