After 46 years, this man decides to find the nanny who looked after him as a child: the video heart-warming (+VIDEO)

In movies, improbable meetings and unlikely reunions are often shown as happening in order to thrill moviegoers with a fantastical plot. However, in today's reality, social media has turned these unlikely encounters into distinct possibilities. Through digital platforms, people separated by vast distances can reconnect and find each other.
Social media offers an opportunity to connect (and reconnect) with each other, building bridges across physical and temporal barriers. The subject of our story experienced this firsthand. He decided to travel 9,000 kilometers just to hug a loved one again. Read on to find out more:
via Elconfidencial
This is the story of Juan Jonsson, who literally traveled halfway around the world to see his nanny again, after a 46 year separation. Juan's heartwarming adventure began when he set out to find the woman who had cared for him ever since he was six months old.
On a video posted to social networks, Juan explained that his parents had entrusted him to Ana when they moved to Cochabamba, Bolivia, for work. They spent almost six years there and Ana became an important figure in his life.
Juan has never forgotten his nanny and decided to create a page called "Help for Ana" to collect donations for his trip. Finally, Juan crossed the Atlantic Ocean, with the help of his son, to reach Yacuiba, a city in southern Bolivia, where Ana lived with her son. The meeting between Juan and Ana, organized by their two children, moved thousands of people on social networks.
During the trip, Juan documented every moment in videos, sharing them with his Instagram followers. The footage shows the touching moment when Ana recognizes Juan, the child she took care of so many years ago. 46 years had passed since they last saw each other: he was just a child, while she was a young woman of just 30.
Ana said she went through a very dark time when Juan and her family left her life: she lost her son to heart disease and her husband in a work accident in Alto Beni.
The video shows the emotional moments the two shared together: from visiting a typical Bolivian restaurant, to their final farewell.