A young man describes what it means to have a father with Down Syndrome: his words will open your eyes

by Mark Bennett

July 11, 2023

A young man describes what it means to have a father with Down Syndrome: his words will open your eyes

Although we try to enshrine tolerance of diversity as an asset, there are still contexts that pose challenges. Having Down syndrome (DS) is one of these contexts, requiring the parents of a DS child to be extra-tolerant, strong and understanding.

So, just think about what it means to be born to a parent with DS. An example of this is Sader Issa, a young Syrian man whose father has DS. Sader shared his experience of growing up in his "special" family.

via Dentalreach

Like many other children, Sader's father, Jad, raised him as any loving parent would.

Jad wanted his son to get a good education, so he worked hard and saved up money for his son so he could go to college. Thanks to his commitment and dedication, Sader managed to achieve his goals. Today Sader is a renowned dentist in Syria. And throughout, he was constantly inspired by his loving father.

Despite the special circumstances, Sader speaks fondly about his childhood and adolescence, describing a family full of joy, love and mutual support. "Thanks to my father, I developed an emotional strength that allowed me to achieve everything I set out to achieve. If I had to choose a father, I would choose him," said Sader.

Pubblicato da Sader Issa su Sabato 15 giugno 2019

Jad is a simple man who works in a mill near their home and is respected and well-liked in his community.

Sader's story prompts us to reflect on the true meaning of being handicapped and our ideas of "normality". If Jad's mother had decided not to have him, this family's history would have been changed forever.

This story also shows that love - often taken for granted - can move mountains. What do you think about this story?
