Man decides to marry a woman who is pregnant by someone else: many criticize him, but he sticks to his guns

by Mark Bennett

July 11, 2023

Man decides to marry a woman who is pregnant by someone else: many criticize him, but he sticks to his guns

You never know what fate has in store for you. The future is uncertain and inscrutable. But isn't this one of the most beautiful aspects of life? Many stories are unbelievable: some events are so curious, special and unique that they become life lessons for others.

This is the amazing story of a young woman, Jordan. She went from being pregnant to finding a life partner. Read on to find out more:

via Nypost

Jordan McHenry Hales told her amazing story on social media: "I was about 5 months pregnant. I had a big tummy... and I didn't have the slightest idea of how to take care of a baby", Jordan began.

"It wasn't what I wanted at all. I had planned to get pregnant and start a family together with my partner at the time, but things didn't work out. I found myself all alone.", she explained.

But life has a way of surprising us and this is exactly what happened to Jordan: she rekindled a relationship with an old flame.


Jordan's ex highschool boyfriend, Cal Hales, contacted her out of the blue and asked her out. Curious, Jordan accepted.

The two had split up amicably years earlier: Cal had graduated a year before Jordan and moved away to continue his studies. The couple eventually lost touch.

But now, Cal wanted to try again. He didn't care that Jordan was pregnant with another man's baby: he only cared about his newfound love for her. The following month, after a brief but intense dating "session", the couple got married.

Many users have commented negatively on this story, taking aim at Jordan in particular: "So, you've found who will pay the bills, eh?"; "I would never date a single mother"; You must be proud of yourself"; "You are a gold-digging opportunist": these are some of the most negative opinions expressed. What do you think about this story?
