Which of these 2 faces looks happier to you? The answer reveals something about your personality

According to various theories on the functioning of the brain, it is argued that one of the hemispheres has dominance over the other. This dominance leads to a number of differences in people's thoughts and personalities. For example, if the left hemisphere prevails, one tends to be more logical, analytical and objective. On the contrary, if the right hemisphere is dominant, characteristics such as intuition, reflexivity and subjectivity manifest themselves more. We want to offer you a fun test to find out which hemisphere of your brain is dominant in you and perhaps reveal an aspect of your personality that you may not know about.
Look closely at the images here and take note of which of the two faces looks happier to you.
via Depor

If you chose the first face, then your left brain hemisphere is dominant over the right.
The left hemisphere of the brain is associated with logic, language and analytical thinking. If you recognize yourself in this description, you are a person who likes to think before acting. You have a rational and objective mind, and tend to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making decisions. You don't like being unprepared for new situations and you usually follow the rules carefully. Your intelligence and methodical approach are often admired and respected by others.

If the second face appears happier to you, this means that the right hemisphere of your brain dominates over the left.
The right hemisphere is associated with creativity, expressiveness and intuition. If this was your choice, you are a person who lets themselves be guided by the heart and love to expresses themself in many different ways. You have a more intuitive approach to life and reflect on the experiences you have had. Every experience is an opportunity for you to learn and grow. You cannot hide your emotions and are often very expressive. People around you can easily tell if you are happy, frustrated or upset about something. You have the ability to recognize those with good intentions and prefer to surround yourself with friends who support and understand you.
What do you think of this personality test? Did you recognise yourself in one of the two descriptions?