Teacher tells a male pupil that nail polish is only for girls: a father sends his son to school with painted nails

by Mark Bennett

July 10, 2023

Teacher tells a male pupil that nail polish is only for girls: a father sends his son to school with painted nails

Some "conventions" are still deeply rooted in the customs of many countries: in some it is a "rule" to wear a watch only on the left wrist, for example. And here are many "customs" like this that we could define as "traditional". Another classic example is associating blue with boys and pink with girls

An example of this is shown in today's story: a teacher pointed out to one of her students that only girls should do a certain something. Let's see what this is and what happened:

via Sermamaweb



Christian Shearhord, the father of little Ashton, was shocked when his son returned from school one day, reporting what a teacher had said: "You can't put on nail polish, it's something only girls can do, you understand?" the teacher apparently said.

Christian decided to act immediately: he took his son to a store and went to the department that sold colored nail polish. "Choose the one you like best Ashton. Do you want this pink one here? Great then, let's go!", Christian said to his son.

And the best part was yet to come: this dad wanted to teach the teacher a lesson.



Christian asked his son if he wanted his fingernails or toenails done. Ashton had no doubts: "Hands and feet please!", he exclaimed with a broad smile on his face .

Having "placed his order", a beautician proceeded to file Ashton's nails and apply the pink nail polish to his hands and feet. Ashton was thrilled with his "new look".

Thereafter, Christian accompanied his son to school, openly demonstrating that out-dated prejudices would not be allowed to affect him of his family. What do you think about this story?
