Visual challenge: Find the letter C in just 20 seconds

Quizzes of whatever kind test our intellects and observation powers. Taking quizzes and tests keeps the mind active and broadens our horizons. Of course, some tests may be more complex than others. But don't give up immediately. Try and try again before abandoning your attempt. This is what it means, after all, to test yourself.
Visual tests, for example, are a good way to determine how attentive and observant you are. We offer you here one challenge to solve in just 20 seconds. Will you succeed? Give it a try!

The first thing to do when you are faced with a visual quiz is to analyze the image thoroughly. Don't panic, take a deep breath, close your eyes, open them again and try. Looking carefully is the first step towards getting the solution. Such tests are intended to train the mind to notice disruptions in patterns. If you are a beginner, don't worry and don't be discouraged if you can't give the right answer in the alloted time.
Sometimes, you may just need a few more seconds to solve a puzzle. The important thing is to look, stay focused and above all, carefully read what the question is. For this test, it's to find the letter C.

Can't find the C hiding amongst the sea of G's? Well, here is the solution:

There you go! The letter C was hidden in the lower right-hand corner.
Were you able to find the C before the time was up? Was the 20 seconds enough, too much or did you fail to locate it?