Do you have eagle eyes? Test yourself by finding the "intruder" in just 10 seconds!

Keeping your mind sharp is very important. It helps us to be attentive, helps our concentration, helps our ability to solve problems and is fundamental in every aspect of our daily life. There are many ways not to give in to laziness: reading, listening to music, participating in cultural events, writing, and also doing simpler activities. Among these are visual acuity tests.
Doing different tests like this every day or on a regular basis could have many positive benefits.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo
The quizzes that test attention and stimulate the intellect vary in degrees of difficulty. There are tests created specifically for adults and then there are those for children. We therefore have something for all ages:
In the test that we want to offer you here, you need excellent observation skills, which allow you to see the solution quickly. To make it all the more fun and "exciting", we have chosen to give you a time limit of just 10 seconds to find the "odd man out/intruder" in the image. Ready? Set the timer... and go!

In the image, you can see that there are a large number of 9s, apparently all the same. At first glance, you may not see an anomaly. But this is not the case...
To "pass" this test, you need to spot the upside down 9 in just 10 seconds. It's not easy to do it, but you will have fun trying. The important thing is not to give up immediately. And we provide the solution below (but don't look yet!).
So, did you solve the quiz? If yes, we congratulate you, great job. If not, try again, or try another test. In the meantime, here's the solution:

In the "sea" of 9s, only one was an intruder. Finding it in 10 seconds might not have been easy. We have circled in red where this upside down 9 is lurking. Did you spot it in time?
This is just a simple visual acuity test to keep your mind sharp and entertained.