Visual acuity test: find the "odd man out"

Visual acuity puzzles test observation and pattern-recognition analytical skills. One of the most common types of visual puzzles is the "find the odd man out", where a series of identical figures are presented in one image, but with one of them actually being slightly different from the rest.
In the image that we show here, a series of little unicorns are depicted. Initially they all seem to be identical, an exact copy of each other. But this is not the case.
Examine the image carefully and try to spot the anomaly. Test yourself with this stimulating challenge!
The challenge: find the unicorn which is not identical to the rest in 30 seconds

If you can't find the answer, maybe try a different approach. For example, if you checked out all the tails, try to focusing on some other feature.
Focus on the smallest details: the shape, color or position of the unicorns can help you to track down the "odd man out".

Before giving up, scrolling down and revealing the solution, maybe give yourself a few more seconds to see if you can spot the anomaly. The ability to observe and notice tiny details differs from person to person; you may need a few more seconds than others. So don't give up!
That said, you can find the solution below:
Here is the solution:

Did you find the "odd man out"? If so, congratulations!
If, on the other hand, you did not succeed, we have highlighted anomalous unicorn (which has a slightly different hairstyle/mane from the rest).
This was a difficult challenge, but fear not - practice makes perfect!
Image Credit: Pixabay