The groom falls asleep immediately after the wedding ceremony: the bride can't believe her eyes

Certainly marriage is one of the happiest moments in the lives of a couple in love: it represents the desire to be together forever and seals a bond that is assumed to be deep. However, preparing for the wedding day is not as pleasant... Organizational stress can put a strain on the spouses and some can have hysterical or panic attacks.
But this was not the case in this story: the newlywed couple had had their dream wedding and then - immediately afterwards - the groom...promptly fell asleep!
via Ilgazzettino

The subject of this story is a young man named Pierfrancesco and he has become famous on the web. Let's find out why:
Pierfancesco had just got married and climbed into the wedding car with his new wife. The two were on their way to the reception.
We're not sure why, but Pierfanceso decided to close his eyes "just for a moment" as the car drove off. And it was from doing this that this story was born!

Once the car got to its destination, the driver rolled down the rear windows. Friends were standing nearby, ready to welcome the newly weds... Then, they saw Pierfrancesco...
He was deeply asleep in the back of the car! Not even the voices of his amused relatives and friends could arouse him. Seeing this, the bride joined the others laughing about the situation.
"Can I come in alone?", we hear her ask the group of people: one of them is filming the bizarre episode on her cell phone. "No," someone else says. Others joke about whether or not Pierfrancesco is still alive.
In the end, someone shook Pierfrancesco awake. Once realizing what had happened, albeit dazed, he flashed a shy smile. Pierfrancesco himself uploaded the clip to the wed, with the title: "Please don't ask for a divorce". How would you have reacted as the bride in this situation?