Challenge: You have only 10 seconds to find the even number amongst all the odd ones

Keeping active is vital for our health and overall well-being. But, let's face it, moments of leisure and entertainment are just as important. So, don't be afraid to relax by doing something entertaining, if you deserve it. It doesn't have to be something too big, too demanding, or too complex. Often, small things can give us a lot of fun, and solving visual acuity puzzles are a good example of these.
Here is one of these puzzles. The challenge is the following: will you be able to find the even number amongst all the odd numbers in the image in just 10 seconds?
Set the timer, and start hunting!
Visual acuity challenge: find the even number amongst all the odd ones

Solving visual acuity puzzles are a perfect way to entertain yourself. And solving these puzzles is good exercise for our powers of concentration too.
In this puzzle, speed is of the essence. Scan the rows and columns to solve the puzzle quickly. The image is a dense set of odd numbers, but an even number lurks amongst them. Will you be able to find it in just 10 seconds?
As you scan the numbers, try to remember what you are looking for - this will help!
And... stop! Time's up and now, on to the solution.
Here is the solution

The even number has been highlighted for you to see. Among all the sevens, fives, ones, nines and threes, 6 was hiding on the middle right (row seven, column 18).
But was 10 seconds really enough? Be honest. If so: congratulations! You have amazing vision that is very useful not only for solving puzzles, but also for everyday life.
Did you enjoy this puzzle? Then you can look forward to ones to come.