If you can figure out how many numbers are hidden in the drawing, you have a very sharp brain

by Mark Bennett

July 29, 2023

If you can figure out how many numbers are hidden in the drawing, you have a very sharp brain

Mathematics is one of the subjects that perhaps the fewest number of students enjoy. Calculations, formulas, theorems of all kinds can be tough to learn. And we know that working with numbers is one of the best ways to keep the mind exercised. But there are other ways to do this. Visual quizzes and puzzles, that have nothing to do with mathematics, are a fantastic way to exercise your brain.

Below, is one of these quizzes. In this case, you have to try to figure out how many numbers are hidden inside the image.

Three, two, one... go!

How many numbers are hidden in this image? Take the quiz!

How many numbers are hidden in this image? Take the quiz!

To function perfectly, our brain must be constantly exercised. There are many ways to do this and this quiz is one of them. It has nothing to do with mathematics, despite having numbers in it. ,

So, take the time necessary to dentify the many numbers hidden inside this image. If you think there are only 3 or 4, you are wrong. Focus your eyes and don't limit yourself to observing the image from a single angle... there are more numbers than you might imagine.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Are you finding this quiz tough? No problem, we'll give you some small clues. First of all, don't look for two-digit numbers: the ones in the image are all single-digit. This already narrows the field a great deal.

Second hint: try flipping the image upside down! Then take another look.

Do your best before checking out the solution (provided below).

Time's up... here is the solution to the quiz!

Time's up... here is the solution to the quiz!

There are 9 numbers hidden in this image. Were you able to find them all?

We start with zero, a number that perhaps few have considered. Then one, two, three, four, six, eight and nine: all found by looking at the image as it is. Turning it upside down, however, you can also find the number seven (the only one which is upside down).

How did you do? Did you see all these numbers or did some "escape" your scrutiny?
