Friends prepare a surprise ...the emotional reaction of the newlywed couple and their guests is STUPENDOUS!

by Robert Maggi

January 28, 2016

Friends prepare a surprise ...the emotional reaction of the newlywed couple and their guests is STUPENDOUS!

In every part of the world during weddings there are always various rituals and traditions which strengthen the cultural references that the newlyweds aspire to follow and uphold. The newlyweds, Benjamin and Aaliyah, who are well aware of these rituals and traditions, nevertheless, receive a very special surprise.

The bride is part of the Maori people, who make up approximately 14% of the total New Zealand population and are still very attached to their traditions. One of the most famous rituals, is the "haka"; a traditional ancestral war cry, dance, or challenge that was done before battle by warriors to intimidate the opposition!  
