Nature slowly takes over a beautiful French medieval royal castle: the result is MAGICAL!

All you lovers of those castles that have been abandoned and reduced to ruins will go crazy over this spectacular example that is a perennial favorite with travelers who visit western France, in particular, the Poitou-Charentes region, where the castle is located.
Its exact name is Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers, and it is a huge medieval castle, located in the middle of a dense forest. Once a luxurious villa owned by the Bauçay family, today it has been left to itself, or rather to nature, that day after day invades and takes over more space within the castle.
Here in this video clip is the fascinating story of this amazing castle! Enjoy!
The castle is located in the village of Les Trois-Moutiers, a village of just over 1000 souls.

The castle dates back to the 13th century, when the Bauçay family, who were directly dependent on the King of France, decided to construct a well-built stronghold.

During the Middle Ages, the castle was conquered twice by the English. During that period, it was used as a place where lavish parties and celebrations were held.

The French Revolution led to the destruction of any and all the remaining symbols of the ancient feudal power: among the targets was also this castle which was looted and abandoned.

Starting from the 19th century, there were numerous interventions aimed at restoration, to bring back the former glory of this building, already deeply affected by the events that had transpired over the years.

During the early 1800s, a wealthy businessman decided to finance and continue the restoration; even adding a vineyard to the residence.

These black and white photographs, taken prior to 1932, are one of the few testimonies of what the castle looked like in the past.

But in 1932, an incredible event occurred which irrevocably changed the fate of the castle: a fire broke out inside the residence that almost totally destroyed it!

The ancient library, the tapestries on the walls, the furniture and the precious paintings that were housed in the castle -- everything was engulfed and destroyed by the flames!

Only the chapel and the dovecote were spared and were only slightly damaged by the fire.

Following that tragic event, the Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers has never again been inhabited, and thus, it began to take on the fascinating aspect, which today enchants its visitors.

Several attempts have been made to save the castle from its state of abandon and disrepair, but both private and public interventions have not been able to do much.

Trees, blackberry bushes, climbing plants and forest animals are now reclaiming the land that centuries ago was taken away from them, to build the fascinating castle.

Despite the years of neglect that have damaged the building, its elegance is still elevated and very much in evidence, and therefore, it is difficult to talk about complete degradation.

Despite everything, the Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers, even with its beauty in decline, still offers a breathtaking spectacle.

Photographs depicting the castle from every viewpoint or angle cannot, however, do justice to its real beauty and majesty.
