A man finds a bear cub next to its dead mother ... In return, the bear gives him lasting friendship!

by Robert Maggi

February 25, 2016

A man finds a bear cub next to its dead mother ... In return, the bear gives him lasting friendship!

Casey Anderson's best friend is a grizzly bear!  It all started 10 years ago, when Casey, who lives in Montana and works as an animal keeper and trainer, found a bear cub next to its dead mother! Casey has always loved bears, so when he found himself faced with this situation he knew very well what he had to do!  He decided to adopt the bear cub, who he named Brutus, and to raise it himself!

As a result, they developed a real and profound friendship that has continued to grow over the years! In fact, they became practically inseparable! As a matter of fact, Brutus has never missed any of the important event's in Casey's life! In the video, we can see that Brutus was even present at Casey's wedding! :-)
