This bird does not give up! -- Look how it literally brings its friend back to LIFE!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 04, 2016

This bird does not give up! -- Look how it literally brings its friend back to LIFE!

Even in a gray ambient and setting that is decidedly not "natural" like in a city, you can still witness or see Mother Nature at work! You just have to be patient, observe your surroundings, and be in the right place, at the right time!  

In this case, for example, a bird forcefully struck a glass window while flying and lay unconscious. Immediately a passerby began to film what was happening! The unconscious bird's friend was determined not to leave its friend behind! So determined was it that it continued to move frantically around its friend's body until its friend was forced to regain consciousness and they flew away together! What an amazing friendship! 
