A pit bull is adopted by the family of an autistic child --- the effect is miraculous!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 26, 2016

A pit bull is adopted by the family of an autistic child --- the effect is miraculous!

Xena is a pit bull that was mistreated and abandoned when she was only a puppy, rescued by an animal welfare group, Xena was then adopted by the family of an autistic child whose mother responded to a news report about Xena!

These happy parents say that Xena has accomplished what thousands of dollars in therapy have failed to do -- to give their son, Johnny, a normal life. As soon as Xena and this autistic child met, even in the car on the way home, they were already inseparable. Now, Johnny has started speaking again, and in a short time has become much more sociable and communicative. A true miracle!
