Introducing DIY Bathroom Bombs! Check it out!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 09, 2017

Introducing DIY Bathroom Bombs! Check it out!

For those who love cleanliness, keeping the bathroom clean can become almost an obsession.

In fact, it is in the bathroom where due to high humidity, we find the highest rate of proliferation of germs and bacteria.

To combat them, the modern cleaning product industry provides us with hundreds of products, all usually very harmful to the environment.

What if we offered you a simple recipe to deodorize and disinfect your bathroom in a way that respects nature more?


Here is what you need:

Here is what you need:

160 g of baking soda

60 ml of lemon juice

15-20 drops of aromatic oil or essential oil

1/2 tablespoon of vinegar

1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%)

Now follow the directions to mix and create your own cleaning recipe.


Mix in a bowl baking soda and lemon juice; then separately in another bowl, mix the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

Mix in a bowl baking soda and lemon juice; then separately in another bowl, mix the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar.

Next, combine the two compounds by adding the essential oil. Now with a teaspoon make as many half-moons as possible.

Next, combine the two compounds by adding the essential oil. Now with a teaspoon make as many half-moons as possible.

(If the mixture is too dense just add water or vinegar).

Arrange the half-moon balls on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and let them dry for 4 hours. Then put them into a glass jar or container.

Arrange the half-moon balls on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and let them dry for 4 hours. Then put them into a glass jar or container.

Keep the glass jar on hand and every so often take one and throw it in the toilet (WC) the toilet. This will dissolve in the toilet bowl water disinfecting it and emanate a pleasant fragrance.

Keep the glass jar on hand and every so often take one and throw it in the toilet (WC) the toilet. This will dissolve in the toilet bowl water disinfecting it and emanate a pleasant fragrance.

You can also use your imagination and create balls with different shapes using ice trays or cookie cutter molds, you will get a good helper that will provide pleasant scents greatly reducing the use of chemicals.

In the following video, the entire process is explained in detail. They decided to use citric acid powder, but we much prefer lemon juice!
