Discover the potato frittata --- Italian-style!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 25, 2016

Discover the potato frittata --- Italian-style!

Along with paella, the potato frittata (tortilla de potatoes) is perhaps one of the most representative dishes of Spanish cuisine, known both for its taste and for the variety of possibilities that can be used to prepare it.

Today we offer an alternative recipe, which deviates in some stages from the usual preparation while still retaining its flavor intact.

Its preparation is incredibly fast and well suited to less experienced hands. The result? Mouth-watering . . .  but judge for yourself!

Discover the potato frittata --- Italian-style! - 1

Here are the ingredients necessary for the preparation of a potato frittata:

500 grams potatoes

Extra virgin olive oil

150 grams of flour

1 egg

100 grams of ham

100 grams of cheese

Salt and pepper


Boil the potatoes abundantly, peel, and mash. Add the egg, salt, and pepper to taste.

Boil the potatoes abundantly, peel, and mash. Add the egg, salt, and pepper to taste.

Then add the flour and continue to work the mixture until it is a malleable dough.

Then add the flour and continue to work the mixture until it is a malleable dough.

Divide the dough into two halves and spread to form two disks. Put one-half in a greased pan and top with ham and cheese. Then cover with the other half.

Divide the dough into two halves and spread to form two disks. Put one-half in a greased pan and top with ham and cheese. Then cover with the other half.

After cooking one side, flip the frittata with a plate and cook the other side. Now, the frittata is ready!

After cooking one side, flip the frittata with a plate and cook the other side. Now, the frittata is ready!

That's it! Watch the video below to see all the preparation steps . . . it's practically child's play!
