A wonderful invention --- a non-electrical hydraulic pump!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

June 13, 2017

A wonderful invention --- a non-electrical hydraulic pump!

In many countries, especially those in the developing world, farmers have to contend with a huge problem, namely --- water!

In fact, in some places, there is so little rainfall during the year that crops really struggle to stay alive and grow but also where water is present there are still quite a few problems.

In fact, in the absence of hydraulic systems, it is necessary to carry water to the fields by hand or purchase expensive pumps.

This device invented by Pratap Thapa, of Nepalese origin and a brilliant researcher at a university in the Netherlands, could solve many problems in this regard.

Now let's see just what Thapa's invention can do!

via aqysta.com

Pratap was the owner of an orchard near a river in Nepal. Since his land was on a higher elevation than the river, the water had to be transported in some way to the orchard grove.

Pratap was the owner of an orchard near a river in Nepal. Since his land was on a higher elevation than the river, the water had to be transported in some way to the orchard grove.

During his studies in the Netherlands, he found a solution to a problem that turned out to be not only serious for the Nepalese peasants but also for many other farmers around the world.

During his studies in the Netherlands, he found a solution to a problem that turned out to be not only serious for the Nepalese peasants but also for many other farmers around the world.

The device is easy to use and economically very affordable. It is called Barsha, and has a hydraulic pump capable of pumping water without relying on any fuel whatsoever! It consists of a wheel placed on a floating platform on a river or stream, which exploits the movement of the running water by pumping it into the connecting tubes.

It is designed to operate with a maximum height difference of 25 meters, and can be used to irrigate a field maximum of 3 hectares in size: the volume of water pumped each day amounts to 45,000 liters, varies depending on the River power and the same altitude.

The most significant feature of this device is that it does not require any fuel or electricity. All this means huge savings!

The most significant feature of this device is that it does not require any fuel or electricity. All this means huge savings!

It is estimated that in 10 years of use, the pump can save up to 70% of a farmer's irrigation expenses. Consequently, it is possible to amortize the cost of the device in only 2 years, while for electric irrigations systems at least five years are needed. 

The pump invented by Pratap Thapa has another important feature, namely its very competitive cost which when compared to similar devices, is about 35% less. In addition, with respect to the solar-powered pumps which operate only between 8 and 12 hours a day, the Barsha pump is active 24 hours without interruption.

There are currently about 35 working pumps installed in Nepal, Indonesia, Turkey, Zambia and Spain, and they are making plans to start disseminating them in Latin America.

Realizing just how much the lack of water is a problem is difficult for those who live in developed countries, but inventions like this one can definitely help to quickly boost the economy of underdeveloped countries that rely on agriculture.

Are you curious to see the Barsha pump in action? Then satisfy your curiosity by watching this video!
