Mobile Anti-Flood walls save a city!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 08, 2016

Mobile Anti-Flood walls save a city!

In the summer of 2013, floods in central Europe reached record levels and brought many of the cities affected to their knees . . . but not all!

In fact, in the Austrian town of Grein, a contingency plan had previously been organized and implemented which enabled the city authorities to keep the streets and citizens safe by curbing the threatening waters of the Danube with an impressive feat of engineering. 

Look with your own eyes and see what their anti-flood walls are capable of doing.

To avoid the total flooding of the city of Grein, removable walls were hoisted all around it.

To avoid the total flooding of the city of Grein, removable walls were hoisted all around it.



To carry out the construction was a British company (Flood Resolution Co. Ltd.) who has patented the system.

To carry out the construction was a British company (Flood Resolution Co. Ltd.) who has patented the system.

The structure consists of permanent underground foundations that protect against layers of water-bearing permeable rock (aquifers) which increase in water volume especially during heavy rains.

The structure consists of permanent underground foundations that protect against layers of water-bearing permeable rock (aquifers) which increase in water volume especially during heavy rains.

Above ground, on the surface, is the barrier structure to which removable panels are applied according to the gravity of the flood.

Above ground, on the surface, is the barrier structure to which removable panels are applied according to the gravity of the flood.

This anti-flood system is capable of stemming floodwaters to the height of 4.6 meters (15 feet).

This anti-flood system is capable of stemming floodwaters to the height of 4.6 meters (15 feet).

The structure was completed in August 2012 and was vital in protecting the city of Grein from the next flood during the winter of 2013.

The structure was completed in August 2012 and was vital in protecting the city of Grein from the next flood during the winter of 2013.